ARC201 Architectural Design: Environment, Fall 2019
Students were assigned to create an introverted space and an extroverted space through the use of two chosen architectural verbs or adverbs. The two words should also be integrated into the project's relation to the site.
This project features an extroverted space coupled with an introverted space, and a pavilion coupled with its site. The spaces are defined by slicing the given mass forms, creating circulation and sheltered areas. To improve this project, 'slice' particularly could be better integrated into this program. Adverbs and verbs in the architectural language can be interpreted in many ways. The representation of these words should not only be integrated into the physical form, but also into the way people experience the spaces created.
Plan view

North elevation view

South elevation view

View from walkway

View of 'introverted' space

View of 'extroverted' space

View of 'introverted' space

View of walkway

View of 'extroverted' space